Saturday, June 2, 2007

Ok, this is the post where I tell you my PO Box number so you can send me stuff!

It's PO Box 1916 Mbale, Uganda...that's it. No Zip code or anything. Now you are asking: what do I send Wes? Well, I'll take anything... :) Any snack food including cheese and dehydrated meat products. Magazines, books, batteries (all types), hand sanitizer, anything else. Mail is awesome and I enjoy it. That's all...


Anonymous said...

You may also want people to know that sending you stuff in padded envelopes will get it there faster than if it is in a box, and that the larger the envelope, the more it will cost regardless of the weight.

baint said...

you ipod is coming along with some magazines and random S

Unknown said...

Mike and I found the O boy Oberto outlet store near my house. How does a five pound bag of jerky dust sound? It's like 12 bucks!!!

Thats 12 US dollars. I don't know what that's like where you are.