Friday, March 2, 2007

Last days with family

Well, my time in Florida with the family is coming to an end and it has been exactly what I wanted. We've shared some quality time and done some fun stuff. Yesterday we went to the Busch Gardens "Africa" themed amusement park in Tampa. I have to say, if Africa is nothing but a place that promotes American beer and sells worthless memoribilia, then I will be shocked! It was cool to see some of the animals, but I didn't take any pictures cause, hey, it's not that impressive to see a wild animal that was imported and placed in a confined environment. I'll wait to see them in their own space without any fences or concrete trees.

Today, we took canoes down the Myaaka river. After mastering the art of not crashing into the bank, I had a great time viewing gators and the tropical landscape. There was even some park rangers driving one of those fan boats like in the Rescuers...anybody?! :)

Now it's 10pm, I've had a couple of goodbye drinks with the fam and we're watching Ice Age with 2 year old nephew Gus. My sister has gotten him to say "Uncle Wesss, Gaganda?" when asked where I was going. It pretty much makes my year every time he says it. She corrects him to say Uganda, but I don't hold it against him!

So this is it for America unless I can steal someone's laptop in Philly. All I have to say is : Thank you for your well-wishes and we'll see what happens next!

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